
第一次寫"部落格"(Blog)... (東京也有怪天氣)

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哈, 今天是我第一次寫部落格, 以前都是在看別人的. 第一次還真的不知道寫些什麼碗糕好... 哈哈..
First time creating a blog entry, feeling kinda werid, especially I've never have a habit of keeping a journal or dairy or stuffs like that.
Gosh, here in Tokyo's got some crazy weathers... Warm morning, cool noon, warm afternoon again, and then now it's turning COLD.... OK, I admit that this is not as crazy as the weather I met in Oxford, UK, but still, quite crazy...
今天最後一節課跑到了F-2班旁聽, 覺得他們班怎麼會那麼安靜呢? 還是我們班比較熱鬧.. 心裡有一點在掙扎.. 想要轉到高級一點的班上, 可是有捨不得我們班那群可愛的同學們... どうしよう?
Now kinda miss the life back in college, and even high school... although I am still a student, but the feeling is different... miss being a "real" student, especially the days in MSU... :-) Miss all the guys and galz that I have shared my student life with... especially my VIOS squad....
哇... 功課怎麼那麼多阿!!! better get my butt outta here and start doing the freaking homework!!

