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一個很久不見的老朋友在MSN上面丟我 "你知道一般雜誌報紙的夾頁廣告英文怎麼說嗎?"
一開始我還沒反應過來夾頁廣告是什麼東西(中文太爛了) 再問了他一次才知道原來所謂的夾頁廣告就是那種夾在報紙或是雜誌裡面的廣告單.

原本想說這種東西應該叫做inserted leaflet, 但是為了先確認一下還是問了咕狗大師一下, 結果也跟我原來想的差不多. 這種東西叫做insert advertisement, 或是長一點的 Free standing insert advertisement.

在咕狗的過程中也看到了一些相似的, 容易混淆的字, 放上來跟大家分享一下了.

Catalog, Brochure, Leaflet, Insert, Pamphlet, Flyer

1. Catalog: a list or record, as of items for sale, systematically arranged and often including descriptive material. 這一般而言指的是商品目錄

2. Brochure: A small booklet or pamphlet, often containing promotional material or product information. 一本含有簡介的小冊子

3. Leaflet: a small flat or folded sheet of printed matter, as an advertisement or notice, usually intended for free distribution. 單張的傳單

4. Insert: an extra leaf or section, printed independently, for binding or tipping into a book or periodical, esp. a leaf or section consisting of an illustration or advertisement printed on different paper. 外加的印刷物, 在這裡指的就是夾頁廣告

5. Pamphlet: a complete publication of generally less than 80 pages stitched or stapled together and usually having a paper cover. 未經正式裝訂的小冊子

6. Flyer : leaflets that are handed out instead of mailed or inserted. 一般指的是手發的傳單

資訊來源: dictionary.reference.com

